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Do you always feel tired or suffer from particular allergies when you are indoors? It could be the air you breathe.

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The impact of air quality on our health

Terra secca

Indoor air quality can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. If you often feel tired or suffer from particular allergies when you are indoors, it could be due to several factors related to the air you breathe.

For example, dust mites are one of the most common causes of indoor allergies; similarly, fine dust-those very fine particles that can easily accumulate on furniture, carpets, and surfaces-can cause nose and throat irritation to the point of respiratory problems.

The levels of environmental parameters that greatly affect air quality such as temperature and humidity inside a room should also be taken into consideration.

High humidity promotes mold growth, which in turn can cause respiratory problems and allergies.

Cleaning products, paints and other chemical materials can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air that can damage the respiratory tract causing general discomfort.

Aerating is not the solution

Formule scientifiche

Pollutants in the outdoor air can enter the home through open windows or doors by joining indoor contaminants and thus multiplying the presence of harmful substances inside the home.

Common outdoor pollutants include pollen, particulate matter, and other pollutants that adversely affect our physical and mental well-being.

In summer or winter, opening windows can cause thermal discomfort and increase energy costs for heating or cooling.

In very humid environments, airing can introduce additional moisture, promoting the growth of mold and dust mites.

Opening windows does not always ensure effective air exchange in all rooms of the house. In particular, substances from cleaning products, furniture and carpets and some furnishings, tobacco smoke and cooking fumes, dust, dust mites and pet dander are difficult to eliminate through simple air exchange.

Monitor, control and discover AQI, together with Radoff

Terra PIN

Monitoring air quality in the home is an important step in identifying and solving problems related to overall health and well-being.

Radoff devices allow you to know at any time and from anywhere what you are breathing inside your living spaces. They are associated with a smartphone app from which you can check the data collected, check the AQI (Air Quality Index) and receive useful tips to improve air quality.

Discover Radoff’s solutions:

Radoff Now

Radoff Sense