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The importance of preserving occupational health and safety

Icona radioattività

The problems related to the world of work


Terra secca

We spend many hours of our lives at work, and labor protection is a system for preserving the life, health and performance of all employees in the performance of their work. It includes legal, social, economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and other measures.

Occupational safety issues will always be a priority that needs to be addressed urgently.

Unfortunately, according to INAIL data, annually a huge number of people suffer or die from work-related accidents.

According to statistics from the International Labor Organization (ILO), our country still leads in the number of work-related deaths, even among other CIS countries.


Not just injuries caused by faulty machinery


Formule scientifiche

When we talk about uncomfortable conditions, illnesses or even deaths related to the work environment, we are not only referring to accidents caused by machinery used in industry, construction, transportation, mining and so on, but also to offices and workplaces where we spend at least 8 hours a day.

In these enclosed places, the greatest dangers are invisible and are hidden within the walls of the building.

It is indoor pollution and in particular the millions of harmful particles that we ingest with every breath without even realizing it.

In the long term, this condition can cause serious damage to our health, sometimes irreversible.

Pollutants in indoor air: health risks

Terra PIN

Breathing is an action we do daily without thinking about it, naturally.

We are not used to thinking about how much air enters our lungs and how pollutants can put our health at risk.

In workplaces (and in general, in all enclosed spaces) harmful elements such as radon gas, volatile organic compounds and fine dust, one of the most dangerous substances to our health, are present at high levels. These are a collection of liquid and solid matter that, without realizing it, we inhale through the air.

These substances, in addition to compromising the health of healthy individuals, put a strain on those who already suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases or respiratory conditions, such as asthma.

Some data on pollution

Terra PIN

It comes to about 30,000 a year the number of victims in Italy who have developed diseases because of the health risks to which polluted air exposes them, and according to estimates by the Ministry of Health, there are millions of premature deaths worldwide that could have been avoided if only the legal limits were respected.

If you have a business and want to protect the health of your employees and customers, contact us to find out the best solution for your business sector!

Contact: info@radoff.life