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September 7: International Clean Air Day for blue skies

September 7: International Clean Air Day for blue skies

September 7: International Clean Air Day for blue skies A social goal September 7 marks International Clean Air Day for Blue Skies. Established in 2019 by the UN General Assembly, this day aims to raise awareness of the problem of air quality, promoting initiatives...
Is there a link between polluted air and climate crisis?

Is there a link between polluted air and climate crisis?

Is there a link between polluted air and climate crisis? Acting for collective well-being Combating pollution and climate change in Europe is needed to preserve the health and well-being of the population, especially the most vulnerable. Air pollution and the effects...
How do you explain to children what pollution is?

How do you explain to children what pollution is?

How do you explain to children what pollution is? How children imagine nature and their home In children’s drawings the sky is always blue, the earth is covered with vigorous green, and the house represents the safe shelter in which families live. The reality,...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in schools, homes and workplaces

Carbon dioxide (CO2) in schools, homes and workplaces

Carbon dioxide (CO2) in schools, homes and workplaces What is CO2 and what is its origin La CO2 è un gas incolore, inodore, non percepibile dai nostri sensi e presente nell’aria che respiriamo ogni giorno.L’Anidride carbonica si forma a causa di molteplici fattori tra...